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The First Peer Review

CBR/UNNGOF/GIZ Civil Society Book Project workshop. The workshop was held on two separate days and attended by 20 people in order to observe the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) due to the pandemic (COVID 19). The workshop aimed at reviewing the proposals of 20 researchers whose abstracts were deemed to add value to the proposed book on Civil Society. After presentation of the proposals by the researchers, comments were received from the Project Steering Committee to be incorporated by the 15 researchers whose proposals were found to add value to the book.

The Second Peer Review

CBR/UNNGOF/GIZ Civil Society Book Project workshop. The workshop was attended by 10 people in accordance to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) due to the pandemic (COVID 19). The workshop aimed at reviewing draft reports of three researchers who had their proposals ready. After the presentations of the reports by the researchers, comments were received from the Project Steering Committee and other participants to be incorporated by the three researchers.