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Call for Abstracts – Book Project

Project Title:

Navigating Uganda’s Political Future:

 Tectonic Shifts, Trends, and Contestations in the 2026 Elections and Beyond

 About the Project: The Centre for Basic Research invites researchers to contribute a chapter for a book project entitled Navigating Uganda’s Political Future: Tectonic Shifts, Trends, and Contestations in the 2026 Elections and Beyond. This book anthology will explore Uganda’s political landscape as the country approaches its seventh electoral cycle under the 1995 Constitution. With nearly 40 years under a single presidency and a youthful electorate, where over 75% of voters are under 35, these elections signify a momentous epoch for Uganda’s governance and struggles for democracy.

This book seeks to comprehensively examine the dynamics shaping Uganda’s 2026 elections, and beyond by addressing pressing questions about political direction, national consensus, and the everyday significance of democracy for Ugandans. It will explore several themes ranging from generational shifts, gendered political engagement, the role of security forces, the place of popular culture and the creative arts, and the impact of digital and social media, among others. The envisaged publication will also analyse areas like – the economics of elections, their influence on key social and economic sectors and their implications for democratic renewal.

At a strategic level, this book aims to promote intellectual tolerance and encourage constructive ideological debates on the election processes and political pathways in Uganda’s quest for viable nationhood. This anthology seeks to support Uganda’s democracy discussions and aspirations, and contribute to political stability and democratic harmony.

Who Should Contribute: We invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, activists, and policymakers to submit abstracts for proposed book chapters. Contributions should reflect original research ideas, critical analysis, or innovative perspectives aligned with the thematic areas below.

Thematic Areas:

  1. Gender Dynamics and the 2026 Elections
  2. Youth Dynamics and the 2026 Elections
  3. The Role of Security Forces in the 2026 Elections
  4. Electoral Laws, the Electoral Commission and the 2026 Electoral Process
  5. Money and the 2026 Elections
  6. Elections and Popular Cultural Arts Forms
  7. 2026 Election Observation – Foreign Actors and Local Dynamics
  8. Locating 2026 Elections in Uganda’s Electoral History
  9. Localized Electoral Issues and Local Government Power Contestations
  10. Regional and Global Dynamics and the 2026 Elections
  11. The Urban-Rural Divide and Electoral Trends
  12. Elections, Religious Institutions and Religiosity

 Abstract Requirements:

  • Length: 300-500 words
  • Language: English
  • Content: Clearly outline the chapter’s focus, methodology (if applicable), and contribution to the book’s objectives.
  • Format: Microsoft Word document, Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • Submission Deadline: 14th February 2025
  • Submission Process: Submit abstracts via email to with the subject line: “Abstract Submission for Uganda Elections Book Project”.


  • Include the following details:
    • Title of the proposed chapter
    • Author(s)’ full name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact details
    • Brief author(s) bio (100–200 words)
  • Selection and Notification:
    • Abstracts will be evaluated by a panel of experts for relevance, originality, and quality.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by 14th March 2025, and invited to develop full chapters.

 Contact Information:

Project Lead: Elections Book Project 

Centre for Basic Research

15 Baskerville Avenue, Kololo, Kampala, Uganda

Telephone Office: +256 704 342987



ClientThe Car Rental Co
SkillsPhotography / Media Production

Project Title

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.