Seed money for setting up CBR came from the Council for the Development of Social Research (CODESRIA) which helped set up the library, and a generous Ugandan private entrepreneur who paid the first year’s rent for office premises. Between 1990 and 1998, CBR’s own core research programme was sustained largely through grants from the Swedish Research Co-operation Agency (SAREC/SIDA). CBR also generates research funds through solicited and unsolicited research proposals submitted to a wide range of funding agencies, local, regional and international. Other than the above, CBR’s funds have been generated from local fundraising initiatives and research grants donors and funding agencies.
Over the years, CBR has increased the local share of funding through two types of efforts. The first has involved the sale of our services in different forms: publications, documentation material, and consultancies. The second has been through raising funds amongst those in the local community who believe the work of CBR is a worth contributing to in developing the Ugandan society.
Plot 15 Baskerville Avenue, Kololo
+256 704-342987,