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CBR Certificate Course in Applied Research Skills and Report Writing


Centre for Basic Research (CBR) was established in 1987 and registered as an academic Non-Governmental Organization in 1988, with a mission to generate and disseminate knowledge by conducting research of social, economic, and political significance to Uganda in particular and Africa in general, so as to influence policy,
raise consciousness and improve quality of life.

While one of its objectives is to train researchers, CBR also trains graduates and graduate students as well as interested members of the general public on basic and applied research skills. CBR started training graduates in research methods in June 2006. By June 2010, CBR had trained over 1000 researchers in 24 intakes. The
participants came from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Germany, Netherlands, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

To cater for the ever-increasing demand for analytical, organizational, and presentation skills for development workers, political leaders at national and district local government levels, students at tertiary institutions, particularly those pursuing the Masters and Doctoral studies, CBR has come out to offer a unique, comprehensive and readily useable research skills training package. This applied research skills training course offers both basic and applied skills covering the entire spectrum of a research process, right from generating a concept note, a research proposal, undertaking data collection, data processing, and analysis, to producing a wide range of research outputs, including books, articles, policy briefs of exceptional excellence.

With experience spanning over three decades as practicing researchers, CBR has a core team of trainers that will transform all those who brace the intensive training course. The month-long course is structured under the following nine modules:

Enrol for the Hybrid Applied Research Skills Training Program

Monday - Friday online classes5:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m

Component 1 (One)

Introduction to Applied Research
  • Module 1: • Develop critical thinking, listening, reading, and writing skills essential for researchers.
  • Module 2: Understand the fundamental aspects of research context and content analysis.

Component 2 (Two)

Research Foundations
  • Module 1: Context Analysis
  • Module 2: Identifying and formulating the problem/need to be addressed
  • Module 3: Formulating objectives of the research, business and development project
  • Module 4: Writing proposals for research, business and development projects

Component 3 (Three)

Research Design and Proposal Development
  • Module 1: Understanding the research/project cycle
  • Module 2: Developing research/project tools and instruments
  • Module 3: Quantitative data collection, data management and data analysis
  • Module 4: Qualitative data collection, data management and data analysis
  • Module 5: Collecting research data using online platforms

Component 4 (Four)

Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
  • Module 1: Identifying your report audience and targets
  • Module 2: Specifying research/project report components, format and audience
  • Module 3: Research/project report writing styles and formats
  • Module 4: Writing a summary and conclusion for your report

Component 5 (Five)

Data Analysis and Management
  • Module 1: Stakeholder analysis for research and project products
  • Module 2: Undertaking evidence-based policy advocacy and engagement
  • Module 3: Packaging research/project products for dissemination, advocacy and engagement
  • Module 4: Writing research/project results for the print and electronic media
  • Module 5: Using webinars to disseminate research/ project results

Component 6 (Six)

Research Project Management
  • Module 1: Designing and implementing an M&E framework for academic research
  • Module 2: Designing and implementing an M&E framework for business projects
  • Module 3: Designing and implementing an M&E framework for development projects
  • Module 4: Writing research, business development project M&E reports
  • Module 5: Undertaking qualitative value for money audits for development project

Component 7 (Seven)

Research Reporting
  • Module 1: Critical Thinking Skills
  • Module 2: Visioning Tools
  • Module 3: Problem Identification and Analysis
  • Module 4: Ranking and Prioritization Tools and Analysis
  • Module 5: Community Action Planning
  • Module 6: Skills for Policy Brief Development

Component 8 (Eight)

Research Ethics
  • Module 1: Description and content of the Course component
  • Module 2: Gender and Economics
  • Module 3: Gender and Responsive Policy Analysis
  • Module 4: Gender, Data and Indices
  • Module 5: Unpaid Care Work
  • Module 6: Gender in International Strategies and Policy Frameworks
  • Module 7: Gender and Macroeconomic Analysis
  • Module 8: Gender and Trade and Access to Finance
  • Module 9: Dynamics of Gender-based Violence
  • Module 10: Gender Responsive Budgeting
  • Module 11: Gender and Climate Change

Component 9 (Nine)

Policy Advocacy and Engagement (Optional)
  • Module 1: Understanding key concepts: disputes/grievances, conflicts and violence
  • Module 2: Conflict context analysis and vulnerability assessment
  • Module 3: Conflict cycles and stakeholders’ mapping
  • Module 4: Tools for analysing conflict causes, drivers and triggers
  • Module 5: Analysis of power dynamics in conflict situations
  • Module 6: Conflict management: negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation
  • Module 7: Conflict mitigation and prevention

Component 10 (Ten)

Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Module 1: Understanding the pastoral production system in Uganda
  • Module 2: Pastoralism, natural resources and herd management strategies in Uganda
  • Module 3: Family and social institutions in pastoral settings of Uganda
  • Module 4: The economic contribution of pastoralism at family, district and national level
  • Module 5: Pastoralism policy, legal and regulatory frameworks in Uganda
  • Module 6: Pastoralism and its future: Lessons from Uganda and elsewhere